
Constant fighting, temper tantrums, and defiant behavior can wear out even the most experienced parents. But how can you deal with a difficult child without losing your sanity? NorthKey Community Care wants to share some tips on managing your child’s behavioral issues at home. NorthKey provides individual and family counseling, mental health services, drug and alcohol abuse treatment, and regional prevention services throughout Northern Kentucky. 

Here are three tips on coping with your child’s behavioral issues:behavioral issues

  • Clear Communication: What appears to be a deep-seeded behavioral issue might actually be the result of miscommunication between parents and children. Clearly define expectations about behavior and responsibilities to your child. Lay out what the plan is for the day and be sure to share changes in the schedule ahead of time. When children know what to expect and what’s expected of them, they’re more likely to be cooperative. 
  • Lay Out Choices: As children embrace their independence, they may not easily go along with every request you make of them. Rather than telling them what to do, give them a choice between two options. If you want them to get ready for bed, for example, ask them if they would prefer to brush their teeth or put on their pajamas. Giving them a say in the matter curbs behavioral issues and disagreements. 
  • Balance Positive & Negative Reinforcement: Children who only receive punishments when behaving poorly are more likely to act out in search of attention. Be sure to reward positive behavior as much as you punish negative behavior. Giving positive feedback for a job well done will motivate your child to make the right decision next time. 

NorthKey Community Care is dedicated to helping Northern Kentucky families thrive. To speak with someone about childhood behavioral issues, call (859) 331-3292 or visit online.
