
Sick, overgrown, and damaged trees not only look unattractive, they actually raise some safety concerns for your home and property. If you feel it’s time for a tree stump removal, our skilled team at Liscombe Tree Service in Saint Charles, MO ought to be your first call. A tree stump removal is a complex and toilsome process. To make sure it goes smoothly, you’ll want to call on a professional.

The following are three reasons to leave your tree stump removal up to a professional service:

  • Equipment: Tree removal services have the heavy machinery needed to uproot stubborn stumps. Even if you know how to safely operate this machinery, it costs a bundle to rent. 
  • Tree Stump RemovalSafety: Tree stump removal takes planning and patience. If you don’t know exactly what you’re doing or try to rush through it, you could cause injury to yourself or damage to your home and property.
  • Efficiency: It takes the eye of an arborist to make sure a tree stump is completely removed. If you attempt tree stump removal on your own and leave any of the root system behind, you may have new growth and need to repeat the process later.

If you require a tree stump removal, contact our team at Liscombe Tree Service in Saint Charles, MO. Visit us on our Facebook page or website to learn about all of our tree trimming and removal services. Give us a call at (314) 650-9055 to discuss a project or to schedule an appointment today. 
