
When a loved one passes away, one of the best things you can do is provide support to your friends and family that were also affected by the loss. Whether that means talking fondly about shared memories or making comfort food to enjoy together, there are many ways to be there for the ones you love. Another great way you can provide support is by helping with the funeral planning process.

Adzima Funeral Home, located in Stratford, CT,  believes it is essential to take time and keep an open mind when discussing funeral plans with loved ones. This Stratford funeral home understands the importance of helping each other through such difficult times, and so they've put together a few suggestions to help conduct these crucial conversations:

  • funeral planningTake it Slow: If you’re spending time with loved ones after a death has occurred, keep a general goal in mind to make funeral plans as they come up in conversation. Since there are likely to be many things happening at once during a time of such emotional upheaval, the funeral planning process may only happen in bits and pieces. Even if you can’t pinpoint a specific plan, listen for themes or memorialization inspiration, as they can be useful when discussing services with a funeral director.
  • Look for Information That Is Already There: If a friend or family member has just lost someone close to them, it can be difficult for them to stay focused on the funeral planning tasks—especially if they are in the early stages of grief. As such, they may not immediately think to look into any pre-planning arrangements that the deceased has made. Seeking out these sorts of arrangements will make the process much simpler, allowing you and your loved ones to take your time adjusting. Pay attention to the things the deceased cherished and would appreciate, such as religious observances or traditions. Offer to look through documents or call a preselected funeral home or attorney to determine if the deceased had any existing plans as to what they would want to do. If no pre-planning arrangements were made, you might still be able to focus on other information that can help, such as looking into veteran benefits if the deceased served in the military.
  • Check-In and Review: If the person in charge of making funeral decisions has arrangements in mind, you can help by reviewing the plans with them. Keep track of the topics and ideas discussed by all who are involved in the planning process. Check in with the decision maker to make sure that the arrangements they are making will work for them in the long run and that they aren't missing out on any other funeral planning opportunities. It’s common for people to make changes to funeral plans as they learn more about their options from a professional.

If you are ready to explore options or are looking for a funeral planning professional, Adzima Funeral Home in Stratford, CT can help you every step of the way with compassion and respect. Review their helpful funeral planning checklist online or call (203) 375-2200 to schedule a time to talk about your need—whether you need them now or for the future.

