
With new studies emerging every day, there’s more information available about your heart health than ever before—but that doesn’t always make it easy to distinguish between fact and fiction. DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD PA is a full-service cardiology practice based in Rochelle Park, New Jersey, that wants their patients to understand the truth about their health. They offer a variety of services, including cardiac screening and testing, to help patients learn about their bodies and face any underlying health issues head on.

In order to achieve optimal heart health, you’ll need to get your facts straight. That means unlearning the myths we’ve all grown up hearing and discovering the truth.

3 Heart Health Myths

Taking Fish Oil Pills Can Help Prevent Heart Disease 

While taking fish oil has been shown to boost your mood and help maintain strong, healthy bones, it’s not so effective at keeping your heart in great shape. It’s possible to achieve a slight boost, but you’d have to ingest a large amount of pills, and there would probably be side effects, like tasting fish or smelling it on your breath.

There’s A Gene That Predisposes You To Heart Disease 

heart-healthIt might be comforting to think you could identify your risk of heart disease by examining your DNA for a specific gene, but it simply doesn’t work that way yet. Genes can influence your overall health, but there’s no single gene that’s responsible for heart health.

You’ll Know If You’re Having A Heart Attack

Pain in your chest is just one symptom of a heart attack, but don’t assume it’s the only sign to watch out for. Other heart attack symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, and jaw pain. Women frequently have different reactions to heart attacks than men do; their symptoms can be particularly vague and hard to pinpoint, like sweating and fatigue.

Don’t buy into the old myths. DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD PA wants you to know the truth when it comes to your heart health. Call them at (201) 845-3535 to schedule an appointment for cardiac screening, or visit their website for more information about their services in Bergen County.
