
Parents of gifted children often struggle with one obstacle: how to keep their child motivated while still allowing them the freedom to play and be a child. Although you may worry about encouraging them to study more than play, research has shown that gifted children need to be given opportunities to continue to grow. 

You can keep this balance in check with the help of FasTracKids in New York City. With gifted and talented enrichment programs customized for your child’s needs, this innovative learning center will give your kid the head start they need to blossom into a bright adult.

Why Place Your Gifted Child In An Enrichment Program

1. Provide New Challenges

Children need to be challenged to stay engaged in class. If your child has already mastered the material they are given, they might be tempted to talk or be disruptive. Additionally, some schools cannot meet the needs of those who are excelling faster than their peers. Enrichment provides an opportunity to challenge children in an exciting environment. 

enrichment programs2. Promote A Successful Future

Research has shown that kids who participate in enrichment programs are more likely to be successful later in life. For example, one study that followed 320 gifted students during their adolescence found that these kids were 50 times more likely to go on to pursue doctoral degrees later in life.

3. Encourage Creativity

Gifted and talented programs also expose your child to a greater variety of educational materials, which helps to deepen their understanding of the world and encourage creativity.

Don’t just hope that your child is receiving the education they need from school. Ensure a bright future by enrolling them in the right enrichment program. For more information about gifted enrichment programs, contact FasTracKids in New York City by calling (347) 983-2229 or by visiting them online
