
When it comes to those you care about, you want to support and protect them no matter what — even if it’s not always easy. Often, as loved ones age, a delicate discussion about nursing home care needs to take place for the sake of their happiness and well-being. Today, the compassionate staff from Wolcott View Manor Health & Rehabilitation Center in Wolcott, CT, will explain how to ensure this conversation goes smoothly.

You may be postponing talking with your loved one about nursing home care out of fear, or maybe you just aren’t sure where to begin. Here are a few tips for taking on this emotional task:

  • Start Early: The sooner you can address the subject, the more manageable it will be for everyone involved. Rather than waiting until your loved one reaches a point where immediate intervention is needed, try to open up the conversation ahead of time. That way, your loved one can take the time to become accustomed to the idea without feeling threatened or pressured all of the sudden.
  • nursing homeHave Open Communication: Take the time to listen to your loved one’s unique needs, wishes, and concerns. If your loved one initially feels angry or upset, avoid dismissing these feelings. By practicing patience and open communication, you will help your loved one cope with these perfectly natural feelings and move forward.
  • Shift The Rhetoric: Moving to a nursing home may feel like a loss of power or independence for your loved one. Since most adults don’t like being told what to do, avoid language like “you have to do this” and “you have no choice.” Instead, explain how you’re concerned about them and only want what’s best.
  • Visit A Nursing Facility: Make progress in this ongoing conversation by scheduling a visit to prospective nursing homes. Once your loved one sees other people enjoying their surroundings, they may feel more open to giving it a try.

With patience and care, you can help do what’s best for your loved one. Fortunately, the caring team at Wolcott View Manor Health & Rehabilitation Center wants to help as well. To learn more, call the nursing and hospice center today at (203) 879-8066 or visit their website.
