
Most car manufacturers issue a transponder key with new vehicles, and there’s a high chance you have one. Do you know how it works?

The auto locksmiths at Ability Lock & Key in Winston-Salem, NC, can help you better understand your transponder key.  With almost 20 years of experience handling automotive and motorcycle keys, they can also copy or replace your transponder key if it ever gets lost.

In the meantime, here are answers to some frequently asked questions which explain all you need to know about these unique keys and how they work.

3 FAQs About Transponder Keys

What Is a Transponder Key?

These increasingly common keys have an RF transmitter implanted inside of them which communicate with a receiver installed near the ignition switch. Once the key is inserted into the ignition, it transmits a low-level signal only a particular vehicle can detect. This prevents the vehicle from being hot-wired since the car will not start if the receiver does not recognize the right message from the key.

How Do I Know If My Key Has a Transponder Chip?

transponder keysTransponder keys typically have a larger plastic top than ordinary car keys. However, this is not always a guarantee. An experienced auto locksmith such as Ability Lock & Key’s owner Jeff Hudgins can tell within seconds if your key is a transponder key.

How Easy Is a Transponder Key to Replace?

Because these keys work specifically with your vehicle, you might assume you can only contact the dealership for a copy or replacement. Wrong. That can be an expensive replacement key, but an auto locksmith can usually make a new key for a fraction of that cost. If you have lost your key, a new one can be done using the vehicle itself.

If you have a transponder key you would like to have copied or replaced, contact Ability Lock & Key at (336) 784-0226. Learn more about their locksmith services online.
