
As we trudge through the cold winter months, our furnace becomes more important than ever. The average gas furnace is built to last for about 15 years, but taking good care of your unit and having routine maintenance performed can keep your heating system running smoothly even longer, saving you money and the hassle of repairs. Since 1946, Osterwisch Company has dedicated themselves to serving locals in Cincinnati, OH. Over the years, they've provided quality electrical, HVAC and plumbing services at a fair price. These trained professionals know how to keep your heating and cooling systems strong and energy efficient, and can fix any problems that may arise. In the meantime, these handy tips from the electrical contractors at Osterwisch Company can help ensure that your furnace is running smoothly.

  • Replace Your Air Filter: Replacing your air filter is easier than you might think, and it's an incredibly simple way to keep your unit in good condition. Furnace filters do an excellent job of catching and collecting any debris. It’s up to you as a homeowner to make sure they are replaced twice a year so that you can keep your heating system running efficiently.
  • Keep It Clean: While a furnace filter is designed to do much of the work for you, there is no harm in doing a clean sweep every so often to ensure that no unwanted dirt or dust is getting through. Homeowners can carefully clean the blower heating systemassembly, pulleys and belts each time they change the air filter by simply removing the panel that covers the screen. A damp cloth and a gentle hand are all you need to have a sparkling furnace.
  • Get Inspected: Although you may not notice an immediate problem with your furnace that needs fixing, that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Calling a professional at Osterwisch Company at least once a year to perform routine maintenance checks can help save money on more significant, costly repairs in the future.
  • Know When To Call For Help: Everyone loves a good DIY project, including those that involve cleaning your furnace. However, there are some tasks better left to the professionals. Expert electrical contractors can complete checkups quickly and safely. If you’re doing more than replacing an air filter, call Osterwisch Company and get an expert opinion on whether your furnace requires a trained hand.

If you’re in the Cincinnati area and are looking for fast and affordable electrical, plumbing or HVAC care, consider contacting the Osterwisch Company. Choosing to work with a company who knows what they're doing will save you time, money and the frustration of a broken furnace. Visit their website or give them a call at (513) 791-3282. 
