
Many children suck their thumbs. It’s a reflex that stems from a baby’s natural instinct to suckle. While the habit may make youngsters feel secure, children’s dentists warn that thumb sucking can cause damage to the teeth. La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry wants to explain how the habit is harmful.

children's dentistThumb sucking is a natural instinct for babies as they are weaned off bottles. It’s a habit that makes them feel safe and secure. However, children who suck their thumbs intensely may cause their permanent teeth to grow in misaligned. This will need to be corrected with expensive orthodontic treatment later on. Parents should also discourage children from sucking their thumbs to avoid abnormalities in the roof of the mouth. 

How do you break a child’s thumb-sucking habit before it does damage? Children’s dentists say you should provide ample praise when a kid doesn’t suck their thumb at a time they usually would (such as bedtime). Kids who suck their thumbs frequently may be in need of comfort. Try to get to the bottom of their anxiety and reassure them of their security. Once they feel safe, they may naturally stop the habit. Finally, ask your children’s dentist to explain the problems of thumb sucking in kid-friendly terms during your next visit. 

La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry is dedicated to making dental care a pleasant experience for kids of all ages. To make an appointment with the go-to children’s dentist in La Crosse, call (608) 782-4054. Visit their website to learn all about their services.
