
If the air in your home feels moist, smells damp or musty, or your windows are foggy, it’s time to call your local air conditioning repair professionals for a checkup. As Honolulu, HI’s Advanced A/C Contracting explains, an insufficient or improperly sized system can leave your house warm and sticky, make your system work longer and harder, and even age materials like wood and wallpaper.

Thankfully, you can end the discomfort by exploring a few HVAC solutions. A few inspections and examinations by your local A/C team can eradicate unpleasant humidity and control utility costs more efficiently.

A/C Repair Strategies For Lower Humidity


air conditioning repairThe first step in the process is to have your air conditioning repair professional come to your home for troubleshooting. Many indoor humidity issues arise from an insufficient A/C system or an air conditioner that’s too small or too large for the space. When it comes to air conditioning, bigger is not necessarily better. An oversized unit, for example, will cool the house too quickly without removing the extra humidity in the process.

Inspecting Duct Systems

Once you determine your system’s size and efficiency, your technician will make any repairs or replacements needed to get your system working again. They can also inspect your home for duct system air leaks, which allow warm outdoor air and invisible water vapor in. By adding a duct check to your maintenance appointment, you can ensure you’re covering all bases and addressing the problem at its source. 

Adding Dehumidification Features

Finally, talk to your air conditioning repair professional about a system with enhanced dehumidification features, or a high-capacity ducted dehumidifier. These tools, often with smart controls, are popular in the warm Hawaiian climate.

Don’t lose another day of comfort to indoor humidity. Call your Honolulu air conditioning repair team at Advanced A/C Contracting at (808) 847-4814 today. You can also visit their website for more information, or find their Oahu-based sister company, Air Conditioning Essential Services, online as well.
