
Although not everyone will require their wisdom teeth to be removed in their lifetime, it is a common occurrence. According to Mark Stephens DMD, a family dentist in Richmond, KY, this is primarily due to the lack of space left in the mouth when wisdom teeth arrive on the scene. This creates numerous dental problems, including overcrowding and painful infections.Wisdom Teeth

3 Signs It’s Time For Your Wisdom Teeth to Be Removed

1. A Flap Of Gum Tissue Has Grown Over The Tooth

Sometimes wisdom teeth are not able to break through the gum line fully due to limited space. When this occurs, a flap of gum tissue can grow over the tooth. If not removed, this flap can easily trap food and lead to a gum infection.

2. Your Jaw Doesn’t Have Room For More Teeth

It is very common for there to be no remaining space left on the jawbone when it is time for the wisdom teeth to start coming in (between the ages of 17 and 21). This can cause the teeth to get stuck, or impacted, in your jaw and unable to break through the gums. When this happens, you might notice red or swollen gums that may bleed or be sensitive to the touch.

3. There Is Not Enough Room To Clean Your Teeth Thoroughly

When wisdom teeth cram in beside other teeth, it can often make cleaning those and the surrounding teeth much harder to do. If this is the case, you might start seeing signs of tooth decay or gum disease in the area including bad breath, pain, gum swelling, and white, gray, brown, or black spots on teeth.

If you currently have these or any other questionable signs that might indicate it is time to remove your wisdom teeth, contact the dental office of Mark Stephens DMD, today. Schedule your appointment by calling (859) 626-0069. You can also visit this pain free, family dentist online to learn more about tooth extraction and other preventative and cosmetic dentistry services offered.
