
Every parent wants their child’s school to be a safe place. In an increasingly complicated world, schools need to consider every available option to provide the security students and their families expect. Phoenix-based US Compliance Consortium specializes in testing and compliance services that help make area workplaces and schools safer. They offer drug testing, alcohol testing, and DOT compliance testing to ensure students are safe throughout the day, whether they’re in the classroom or on the bus.

Although drug testing for staff is an important aspect of school safety, it only offers a partial solution. K9 drug detection is an effective and increasingly common way of keeping contraband, like drugs and drug paraphernalia, out of public schools. Federal courts maintain the constitutionality of K9 drug detection as long as police only touch a student’s belongings after the dog has indicated the presence of drugs or drug residue. The success of these types of drug testing and detection programs depends on both the officers and the dogs receiving training that puts student health and safety first.

drug testingK9 drug detection dogs undergo extensive training in the areas of agility, endurance, tracking, and scent discrimination to do their job efficiently. Many of these dogs are trained in urban environments so they learn to tune out distractions, a skill that becomes very useful in a bustling school. German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, and Labradors are the most commonly used breeds in K9 drug detection due to their intelligence, strong sense of smell, and hunting instincts.

Drug detection dogs and their handlers train together so they make an effective team. In addition to tactical training, K9 teams that work in schools learn to address concerns that include allergies and a fear of large dogs. It is important for students and staff to remember everyone has the common goal of making school a safer, healthier place.

To learn more about how drug testing can keep your school safer, visit US Compliance Consortium online. Call (602) 765-2200 to request information about a specific compliance training and education program.
