
Just like humans, pets also need dental care to prevent oral diseases. So on your next trip to the veterinarian, request a dental exam and have your pet’s teeth, gums, and mouth checked. Pet owners in Cincinnati, OH, can drop by TLC Pet Care Centers and have a veterinarian conduct a dental exam. Serving the community for over 30 years, this animal hospital offers services such as pet surgery, vaccinations, and nutrition counseling.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions in pet dental care:

Does My Pet Need Professional Dental Care?

Periodontal disease is the number one diagnosed problem in dogs and cats. Without professional supervision and treatment, it may lead to a broken tooth, tooth infection, inflammation of the eye, and systemic bacteremia. Schedule your pet for a dental exam before any complications arise.

veterinarianHow Do I Brush My Pet's Teeth?

It’s best to introduce brushing at an early age. Never use human toothpaste on your pets, as it contains ingredients that may cause gastrointestinal issues. Use a soft toothbrush designed for dogs or cats and veterinary toothpaste. Brush in a circular motion, and give treats to make them cooperate.

How Does Professional Dental Cleaning Work?

Pets are placed under general anesthesia during a dental cleaning session. This is to allow the veterinarian do a thorough cleaning and oral exam. The aim of this procedure is to remove plaque and calculus, get rid of disease-causing bacteria, and teeth polishing and cleaning.

Can I Continue Dental Care At Home?

To prevent periodontal disease, brush your pet’s teeth daily, or at least three times a week. You can also ask a professional groomer to do it for you. If daily brushing is a challenge, feeding your pet dental treats may help. Check your pet’s gums and teeth every now and then to look for signs of inflammation.

For your pet wellness needs, trust a veterinarian from TLC Pet Care Centers. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 683-2300 for their East location or (513) 825-4011 for their West location. You man also visit their website to learn more.
