
There are many benefits to having healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. Apart from looking and feeling great, you can conduct yourself with more confidence when you’re not worried about the appearance of your teeth. This is why it’s important to have good dental hygiene habits.

The dentists at Kimberling City Dental Center, in Missouri, know that having a great smile can do wonders for your confidence and overall well-being. They share the following tips for maintaining good oral health.

Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthy Smile

1. Brush

Brushing is the easiest way to keep your teeth clean. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth, gums, tongue, the inside of your cheek, and the roof of your mouth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

2. Floss

dental hygieneFlossing removes food particles stuck between your teeth that may have been missed by your toothbrush. It also allows you to reach deep where bristles cannot. Include flossing in your daily dental hygiene routine.

3. Watch What You Drink

Drinking too many sugary drinks like sodas and alcohol can cause dental problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease. They can also make your teeth appear dull and stained. Coffee is also notorious for staining teeth, so it’s best to limit your intake.

4. Take Calcium

Calcium is essential for strengthening your teeth and bones. It is one of the most abundant minerals found in the body, and you can get calcium from drinking milk and orange juice and eating calcium-rich foods such as broccoli, cheese, and other dairy products.

5. Visit Your Dentist

Go to the dentist at least twice a year for checkups and full dental hygiene treatments, such as teeth cleaning. These appointments will help detect dental problems early so you can prevent them from progressing.

If you are in need of a dentist, Missouri’s Kimberling City Dental Center offers top-notch dental services to help you maintain excellent oral health. Their dentists and staff are knowledgeable and friendly, providing one-on-one service to their patients. Set up an appointment by calling (417) 739-4965, or visit their website to learn about their teeth whitening services.
