
When it comes to commercial doors, proper lighting is crucial. Waipahu, HI’s Automatic Door Specialists has been helping Oahu businesses meet their automatic door and gate needs for over 25 years. They know the importance of keeping everything illuminated; here’s what they’ve learned.

Why Is Proper Garage Lighting Important?

commercial doors1. Physical Safety

Bright light makes entrance and exit paths clearer, which lowers the risk of cars striking pillars, barricades, pedestrians, or each other. It also dissuades attackers who may be looking to do harm to your customers or employees. If you have cameras monitoring the grounds, you’ll need sufficient light for any incidents or altercations to be properly recorded. 

2. Building Security

Solid access control requires a clear line of sight. As mentioned, security recordings do little good if you can’t see what happened! Thorough lighting dissuades intruders who may be looking to rob your business or damage your grounds and equipment.

3. Reassurance For Customers

Anyone passing through will want to feel safe and confident on your grounds at night. A full lighting setup will improve your bottom line, letting customers know that you take your business seriously. As a bonus, it also makes you more visible at night, so you don’t fade into the shadows when twilight falls. And of course, no one wants to get lost in the darkness on their way to the entrance. Commercial doors need to be obvious at all times.

Automatic Door Specialists is here to help you with all of your commercial access control needs, whether you simply need new lights installed or you’re looking for a brand-new automatic gate. Find out more about their products on their website, or learn more about their commercial door installation by speaking with a helpful staff member at (808) 678-8880. 
