
For decades, if you wanted straighter teeth, your only option was bulky metal braces. Today that is no longer the case. With Invisalign and help from your local dentist, you can correct your smile, and no one has to know. For those in the Richmond, KY area, that dentist is Mark Stephens DMD. Dr. Stephens and his capable family dentistry team will help you get a more confident smile in the most comfortable way possible.

If you are seeking a straighter, healthier smile, here are a few ways to know if Invisalign is the right method for you:

  • Your Teeth Do Not Have Complex Problems: The first thing to be noted when deciding which method of teeth straightening is best for your smile is your current dental situation. If your teeth are incredibly crooked or are rotated, Invisalign might not be robust enough to correct them. Otherwise, they are excellent at fixing teeth with mild to moderate crowding, spacing, or misalignment issues.
  • You Don’t Want Anyone To Know You’re Wearing Braces: invisalignOne of the biggest perks of wearing Invisalign braces is they are practically invisible. Unless someone is adamantly staring at your teeth, it is unlikely for anyone ever to suspect you are improving your smile as you go about your daily routine.
  • You Want The Most Comfortable Approach: As Invisalign does away with the brackets and wires, these retainers are much more comfortable to wear than clunky metal braces. Plus, you can take them out whenever you eat or need to brush and floss, so there is no navigating around the hardware. It also means you don’t have to worry about your dental hygiene having any missteps during the period while you are wearing them.

If you are ready for a straighter, more confident smile, contact Mark Stephens DMD today about Invisalign braces. Schedule your appointment by calling (859) 626-0069, or visit this family dentistry office online to learn more about this and their other cosmetic dentistry services.
