
Women who have recently undergone a complete hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus and the ovaries, benefit from bio-identical hormone therapy. Estrogen present in the female body decreases once the ovaries are removed, as the organs are the primary hormone source. All hormone levels drop following ovary removal and cause the patient to undergo menopause immediately.

Dr. William M. Jamieson M.D. is one of the most trusted gynecologists in the Cincinnati and Mason, OH, area and stresses bio-identical hormone therapy over traditional synthetic hormone replacement therapy to treat menopausal symptoms. Review why the post-hysterectomy treatment is increasingly popular:

  • hysterectomyMolecularly Identical: The hormones used in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy are molecularly identical to the hormones naturally produced by the body. They are derived from plant-based sources such as yams and soybeans. The body is unable to distinguish between bio-identical hormones and the hormones it produces naturally. Synthetic hormones are created using female horse hormones and are not found in the human female body.
  • Tailor-Made: Bio-identical hormones are tailored to suit your individual’s needs. Synthetic hormone replacement therapy is more generalized. Bio-identical hormones are customized based on hormone levels and specific menopausal symptoms, making them more effective than synthetic options.
  • Fewer Side Effects: Many women who switch from synthetic to bio-identical hormones enjoy far fewer side effects. Common side effects from synthetic estrogen hormones include nausea, stomach pain, vaginal bleeding, headaches, breast pain, vomiting, yeast infections, and swelling of the arms and legs.

Bio-identical therapy is available in pill, cream, gel, suppository, sublingual troche, and lozenge form. Dr. William M. Jamieson is committed to helping women begin effective bio-identical hormone replacement therapies that alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, sleeplessness, irritability, vaginal dryness, and low libido.

For more on hysterectomies, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and other women’s health services available through Dr. William M. Jamieson, call (513) 241-7744 or visit the gynecologist online.
