
It’s never a pleasant feeling to have discomfort in your mouth. Whether you have a tooth that’s been throbbing for days or sharp pain that’s been affecting your ability to eat, you should never disregard it. According to New Britain, CT’s leading dentist, Dr. Eric L. Gladstein of Gladstein Dental Center, toothaches require immediate attention, and if left untreated, they can lead to more serious complications. Every toothache is different, and while you may think you know why it’s hurting, the source of tooth pain can often be quite difficult to diagnose yourself.

While you should always make an appointment with your dentist, here’s what your tooth pain could be a sign of:

  • Sharp Pain: If you’re experiencing sharp, localized pain on one specific tooth, it could be an indication that there’s a problem with a filling you have or that it’s decaying. Additionally, sharp tooth pain could also be a sign of a cracked tooth. This type of pain is most commonly felt when biting down or chewing food, so if you notice any kind of discomfort with these activities, see a dentist for an evaluation.
  • dentistPersistent Discomfort: If you have an achy tooth that just doesn’t seem to be getting better despite icing it or practicing good oral hygiene at home, you may have an infected tooth. When the pulp of the tooth becomes infected, it can cause ongoing discomfort and lead to inflammation. The pain can range from dull to sharp and may be localized to one specific area or radiate throughout your entire mouth. Infected or badly decaying teeth usually require root canal therapy.
  • Sensitive Teeth: Some people experience sensitivity rather than pain when it comes to a specific tooth or several teeth in their mouth. If you’re bothered by cold or hot foods and beverages, or if it hurts when air comes into contact with your teeth, you should see a dentist for an exam. Some people experience tooth sensitivity due to loose fillings, while others have developed recessed gums which have exposed the roots of the teeth.

No matter what kind of tooth pain you’re experiencing, you schedule an appointment to see a dentist. If you’re in the New Britain area, call Dr. Gladstein’s office at (860) 223-1162 for an evaluation. The compassionate team of dental professionals will identify the cause of your tooth pain and determine the necessary treatment to fix it. To see a complete list of the services offered at Gladstein Dental Center, visit this highly-rated family dentistry practice online. You can also connect with the dental team on Facebook.
