
It is especially important for pet parents to keep their dogs, cats, or other animals safe from bugs. The best way to protect your pets is to keep critters and pests from infesting your home or yard. AAA Termite & Pest Control, in Kaneohe, Hawaii, offers the following pest management tips for keeping your pets safe.

Visit The Vet

Make sure your pets are up to date with their shots. The rabies shot is especially important. Even if your pet doesn’t venture outdoors, critters such as mice or rats can invade your home. Your pet may try to defend their turf and get bit in the battle. A rabies vaccine protects them from these pests.

Also, talk to your veterinarian about preventive measures for fleas and ticks. Not only do these products prevent fleas and ticks, but they also fight against mosquitoes. An infected mosquito can be quite harmful to your pet, giving them heartworm. Ask your vet for any additional pest management advice.

Keep Your Pet’s Sleeping & Eating Areas Clean

pest-managementIf your pet has a specific sleeping area, whether it’s their own bed or yours, wash the linens or pet bed as often as possible. Dust and vacuum your home regularly as a pest control tactic.

Inspect your pet’s food before serving it. Sometimes critters, especially ants, can invade food bags and containers. Also, don’t let their food sit in the bowl too long—it’s safer to keep the food area clean.

Play Outside With Caution

To keep your dog safe in your yard, mow the lawn often. Clean up vegetation, weeds, or leaves that pile up on the ground. Your dog may find it fun to play in these spots, but they can also be breeding grounds for bugs. Clear away standing water in your yard to protect against mosquitoes. Leave only fresh water out for your pets to drink.

If you take your dog on nature walks or hikes into areas with densely packed vegetation, check your dog before coming home. Bugs can get stuck on your dog’s coat. If you notice an abundance of pests, give them a bath to wash away any bugs or dirt.

Unfortunately, your pets can’t tell you when they’ve been bitten or are in pain. So as the pet parent, it’s your job to take preventive pest management steps to keep your furry family members safe. If you need further help from an exterminator, contact AAA Termite & Pest Control on Oahu. Call today at (808) 247-5533 or visit the website for more information.
