
When construction companies take on big projects with lots of demolition, they often end up producing a large amount of recycled concrete. This broken up concrete is a great, cheap resource for you to use in various ways around your home. The gravel suppliers and experts at Manchester Aggregate Supply in Manchester, CT, have come up with a few ideas for using recycled concrete for your house.

3 Uses For Recycled Concrete

Create A Pathway

You can easily take broken-up, recycled concrete and create a pathway on your property. By using recycled concrete, complete with gaps between the pieces, you’ll also be able to give your path proper drainage to keep it from causing runoff. If you do create a path, you’ll want to try to get your recycled concrete all from the same site, so it’s of relatively uniform thickness. This will make it easier to work with.

Elevate A Garden

recycled concreteYou can also use recycled concrete to create elevated gardening boxes. These boxes make your garden easier to work in, set it up for better drainage, and raise the soil temperature in the spring. Warmer soil means plants that want to sprout sooner, and happy plants make happy gardeners.

Prevent Erosion

Recycled concrete is great for creating retaining walls around your property. By shoring up inclines in this way, you can prevent erosion and keep your landscaping looking the way you intend it to. You can even create beautiful terraced gardens that can give your yard visual interest while you keep it from eroding. 

Do you need fill materials or help figuring out how to use recycled concrete? Give Manchester Aggregate Supply a call at (860) 643-7777 or visit them online. They’ve been in the business for over 40 years and are happy to help.
