
Has your property been invaded by pests? While you’ll obviously want to resolve this problem as soon as possible, it pays to do a bit of homework before hiring a residential or commercial pest control company. By taking the time to ensure you’re working with a reliable team, you’ll save money and hasten your pest-free peace of mind. To get a better sense of which qualities to look for in an exterminator, keep the following points in mind.

3 Traits To Seek Out In Commercial & Residential Pest Control Companies

1. Experience In Your Area

The kinds of pests that infest your home will be common to your specific region. As such, it’s important to find a local pest control company that’s been in business for a while—they’ll be familiar with a variety of infestations they might encounter in your area, and will know which pest control treatments will be most effective and efficient.

2. References

In this line of work, you don’t make a good name for yourself unless you do your job efficiently and effectively. That’s why a strong company should have a substantial list of positive reviews or past clients willing to offer supportive testimonials.

3. Safe Pest Control Treatments

pest-control-companyWhether you own a home or commercial property, you don’t want anyone spraying chemicals that could prove to be health hazards. To ensure all occupants of your property remain safe, ask the pest team which treatments they use and do some research.

Do you need a good residential or commercial pest control company in the Dothan, AL, area? The experts at Pest-Ex have been in business since 1956, and are proud of their long history of quality service. Contact them online to learn more, or call (334) 794-5903.
