
Women’s health is influenced by many factors, which is why it’s important to stay on top of your health care by having regular preventative screenings at your doctor’s office. The experienced medical team at the Mayer Clinic has provided a wide range of preventative screenings to patients in Fairbanks, AK, for over a decade, and their team is committed to educating women about the importance of these services.

Here are four vital women’s health screenings you should have performed at your local doctor’s office:

  • women's healthBlood Pressure Screening: Women over the age of 18 should have their blood pressure checked every two years. In this simple screening, a health care practitioner will wrap a cuff around your arm and pump it up tightly to determine your blood pressure. Women’s blood pressure should ideally be under 120/80 mmHg.
  • Cholesterol Screening: Women aged 20 and older should have their cholesterol checked by a doctor every five years. High cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease, so it’s important to stay on top of it. The cholesterol screening involves drawing a quick blood sample or even just a finger prick.
  • Pelvic Exam & Pap Smear: These quick tests are a crucial component of preventative care for women’s health. Women aged 21 and older should have these tests administered every two years, and women over the age of 30 should have them every three years, assuming previous tests have been normal.
  • Mammogram & Breast Exam: Women age 20 and older should have their doctor perform a manual breast exam on them every three years. The American Cancer Society recommends women over the age of 40 visit their doctor for a mammogram every two years.

Be proactive about your health by staying on top of these preventative screenings. If you have questions about women’s health screenings in Fairbanks, call the Mayer Clinic at (907) 457-5050 to speak to an experienced and caring staff member. You can also visit their website for information on their doctors and staff, and find them on Facebook.
