
As a parent, you want nothing but the best for your child. From feeding them the right food to teaching them how to read, their development at a young age is critical. Choosing a high-quality child care center/day care center like Mendon Child Care Center in Mendon, NY, is proven to have a positive impact on children.

How A Daycare Center Benefits Your Child

1. Socialization

The social nature of child care center/day care center has long demonstrated positive effects. In addition to basic interaction with adults and children of different ages, child care center/day care center kids learn group-oriented behaviors like sharing, helping, teamwork, conflict resolution, and self-expression. Children may get a head start from sibling interaction, but, as any parent knows, sharing isn’t necessarily a given. Child care center/day care center instills these expected behaviors before a child encounters their peers in preschool and kindergarten. In fact, those peers may already be counted as friends by the time children enter school.

2. Stability

Studies also show that a group setting like child care center/day care center can diffuse the effect of an individual caregiver’s mood. For example, if a mother suffering from depression cares for her child at home, the child is more likely to pick up on her mood and experience something similar. If the child spends time at a daycare center, their mood normalizes, as their world does not solely revolve around one caregiver.

3. Stimulation

daycare centerStimulation goes hand-in-hand with socialization, but at child care centers/day care centers, kids also gain exposure to early learning through a child care curriculum. They receive academic and developmental resources unavailable at home, benefiting from an early start. Studies have shown a moderate positive correlation between time spent in quality child care/daycare centers and academic achievement later in life. Mendon Child Care Center caters to the growing mind, with infant and toddler, preschool, and pre-K programs.

4. Schedule

Kids have been called overscheduled, but a little bit of structure goes a long way in a child’s life. A routine helps children assert control, plan, and think ahead, while also providing a sense of security for younger children not used to being outside the house. A child care center/day care center schedule also helps them adjust to the school routine once preschool rolls around.

5. Reduce Future Illness

The flip side of socialization is children often fall sick from exposure to child care centers/day care centers and school settings. You may be wondering how sick children could be construed as a benefit. However, studies show that children who fall sick early and often pay it forward, tending to be more resilient when they reach school age.


Studies also show that a group setting like child care center/day care center can diffuse the effect of an individual caregiver’s mood. For example, if a mother suffering from depression cares for her child at home, the child is more likely to pick up on her mood and experience something similar. If the child spends time at a daycare center, their mood normalizes, as their world does not solely revolve around one caregiver.

As any working parent or busy homemaker knows, children develop at a remarkable rate. Accelerate the pace by placing your child in a child care center/day care center.  Daycare benefits not just young children, but parents and caregivers as well. To inquire about child care options and programs, contact Mendon Child Care Center online or call (585) 624-2337.
