
It is in the best interest of Nevada’s employees and employers to maintain a safe and healthy work environment. Improving on-the-job safety programs is a never-ending process, as physical environment, operational processes, and tools and equipment will inevitably change. While workplace injuries can and will occur, responding to them properly is up to those involved. If you’ve suffered a serious work-related injury, consider contacting an accident attorney or injury lawyer to discuss your rights and options.

Address Medical Needs

accident lawyerThe initial response to a workplace injury is to determine the need for medical help. In emergency situations, always call 911. For non-emergency circumstances, determine if there are credentialed medical facilities that will work with your workers’ compensation carrier.  Choosing a provider that is “in-network” is the surest way to efficient care.

Gather Data

Don’t disregard injuries that you perceive to be minor or insignificant. Instead, collect the facts about injuries so you can have this information on hand. The documentation should include:

  • A description or account of “what,” “where,” and “why.”
  • All medical procedures and treatments conducted on-site, including bandaging.
  • The contact information of any witnesses as well as any responding supervisor(s).

Never let your employer pressure you into failing to report an injury. Also, direct any coverage or treatment of the injury toward workers’ compensation rather than your personal health insurance. Your health insurance usually lacks key elements of workers’ compensation such as disability benefits and an adequate appeals process in the event of a denial.

Proper Reporting

Document any time you were off of work, and notify a supervisor about the injury in written format as soon as possible—failure to do so within 30 days may cause your workers' compensation claim to be denied. Many workers’ compensation insurance providers will allow you to do so over the phone or through e-mail.

For the best results, adhere to all insurance company requests or those of independent medical examiners. If you are only willing to be examined by a doctor of your choosing, it may heighten suspicions about the validity of your claim and require the counsel of an injury lawyer.  

If you have been injured in a Nevada-based workplace accident, an injury lawyer or accident attorney may be able to help. By contacting Kidwell & Gallagher LTD at (775) 738-1000, you’ll receive a free consultation about your case from a reputable accident lawyer. Should they move forward and begin your case, the process will be done on a contingency basis.
