
Hard water leaves behind ugly stains on dishes and in sinks, dries out your skin and hair, and shortens the life spans of your water-using appliances. The only real solution is to invest in a water softener. A. Stevens Plumbing & Heating in Orange County, NY, specializes in water heater installation, and they help their clients make the most out of their investments.

Here are three things to consider before you purchase a water softener:

  • Different Kinds: There are several different types of water softeners, including cation exchange, salt-based ion exchange, salt-free, and dual-tank water softeners. Each system offers specific benefits depending on the hard water you have. To determine which water softener will best help your household, hire a water treatment professional to analyze your water.
  • Water  SoftenerEfficiency: Most water softening systems use electricity to run. To ensure your new appliance doesn’t push your electric bill over budget, it’s important to invest in efficiency. Choose a system with high-quality components that will last for a long time. It will cost more upfront, but you’ll save money in the long run. A metered styled valve that can be programmed based on the number of people in the house will also improve efficiency.
  • Size: Water softeners come in different sizes based on flow rate and water hardness levels. Choose a system that’s too small, and you’ll overwork the components and shorten their life spans; choose one that’s too big, and you’ll waste salt and backwash water. Consult with your plumber to help you determine exactly which size is best for your household.

Choosing the right water softener will solve all your hard water problems, and you need a reliable plumber to help you make the right choice. Call A. Stevens Plumbing & Heating at (845) 496-5903 to schedule an appointment with the best plumbing experts in the area. You’ll also learn more about their services by visiting them online.
