
Winter officially begins December 21, and smart homeowners are using these final weeks of fall to winterize their homes. Having your water heater flushed now is one task you shouldn’t overlook. It will keep your unit working efficiently when you need it most: during the coldest months of the year.

The commercial heating professionals at Baldwin Services in Gray, GA, can install and service a variety of electric, tankless, and gas water heaters. They say having your water heater flushed at least once a year is necessary for its longevity and performance.

Water heaters need to be flushed to clear out minerals and sediment that have built up in their tanks, insulating the bottom. When flames heat a tank filled with sediment, it’s much harder to heat the water. As a result, your water heater will work overtime and run up your utility bills. In addition to low energy efficiency, the sediment in a water heater that hasn’t been flushed can back up into your pipes, coming out through your faucets. In the worst cases, this can result in burst pipes and a broken water heater. 

commercial heatingAs a general rule of thumb, you should have your water heater flushed by a commercial heating company at least once a year. Having it done before winter means your unit won’t malfunction, leaving you without hot water for showers or cleaning in cold temperatures. The technician will inspect your water heater and perform a flush by hooking up a hose to your tank, emptying all the water into a drain, and filling it up with water again.

Make sure everything in your home is in good working order before winter arrives. Schedule an appointment today to have your water heater flushed by an experienced commercial heating technician from Baldwin Services. Call (478) 452-9499 or visit their website to learn more.
