
Malfunctioning windows can significantly increase your utility expenses, and there are signs of deterioration that should alert you to the need for window replacement. The glass and screen experts at KKTF Hawaii know how to tell when a window needs to be replaced, and they offer a range of beautiful and efficient new windows for installation in homes all over Oahu.

The signs of a malfunctioning window start as small annoyances but shouldn’t be ignored. Whether it’s condensation buildup or more apparent damage like cracks or rotting frames, schedule window replacement if you notice any of these signs:

  • Trouble Opening & Closing: If your windows don’t open or close as smoothly as they once did, it may be time to replace them. A troublesome window can lead to improper seals, allowing air to escape.
  • Waipahu-HI-window-replacementCondensation Buildup: When a window isn’t sealed properly, you may notice condensation on the glass. This is a sure sign that window replacement is necessary and can lead to more serious issues such as rotting wood or mold.
  •  Cracks & Warping: While there are minor window repair issues such as stains or weather stripping damage that can be repaired, cracks and warped glass are clear signs window replacement is needed.
  • Drafts: If you notice points of airflow around a window, it may be time for window replacement. Over time, windows can begin to close improperly because of warping or other damage, affecting their efficiency.
  • Unappealing Aesthetics: If you’re unhappy with how your windows and frames look, window replacement will give your house a fresh look. New windows also will increase the value of your home.

Attacking these issues head-on with window replacement will give you peace of mind and a more energy-efficient home. Waipahu-based KKTF Hawaii has repaired and replaced the windows in many Oahu homes and can help you choose a style that complements your house. Call (808) 800-2230 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information about window replacement, custom glass installation, screen door repair, and other expert services.
