
When people lose adult teeth due to injury or decay, they fear for the health and beauty of their smile. Thanks to recent advancements in dentistry, there are high-quality dental implants that have the look and functionality of natural teeth. Drs. Emery & Scuro, expert dentists serving Rochester, NY, offer dental implant installation as part of their array of services and can answer any question about the process.

Dental Implants Explained

The Implants

A dental implant is a replacement tooth made of metal and ceramic material. The metal part replaces the tooth’s root and is hidden by the gums. The ceramic part, or implant crown, replaces the visible part of the tooth and resembles its enamel. This part is crafted to match the color, appearance, and shape of surrounding teeth. Unlike dentures or other tooth-replacement options, implants are virtually undetectable. 

The Procedure

dental-implants-Rochester-NY Implants typically are installed while the patient is under local anesthesia, so you will feel only slight vibrations during the process.

The Candidates

Dental implants are a reliable and effective option for those with severely decayed, damaged, or missing teeth. Soon after the procedure, you can eat, speak, and enjoy life as usual. To find out if you’re a good candidate for implants, have your dentist conduct a thorough evaluation.

Drs. Emery & Scuro can give you a healthier, more beautiful smile with dental implant installation. To schedule an appointment, call (585) 247-7110. Visit the family dentist’s website for more information about their services, and check out the team on Facebook
