
After being injured in an accident, most people find themselves with more questions than answers. Can you file a lawsuit? If so, against whom, and how much should you ask for? If the insurance company has made a settlement offer, is it fair?

personal injuryStephen B. Kaufman, P.C., a Bronx personal injury attorney with over 40 years' experience, recommends hiring a good lawyer who will provide a wide range of crucial services, such as:

  • Case Valuation: You might know that you're probably eligible to receive compensation for your medical expenses, but what about any lost wages? Will your injuries require further treatment in the future? In many instances, your personal injury attorney will have the answers to these questions and ensure that your insurance settlement includes as many of your damages as possible.
  • Negotiation on Your Behalf: It's not uncommon for insurance companies to extend insurance offers that are significantly less than the value of your damages. Some carriers are much more likely to attempt this tactic if you don't have legal representation, which will usually compel them to take your case and your demands more seriously.
  • Evidence Collection: In an attempt to save money, the insurance company may also deny their liability completely, offering an alternate version of events in which their client is not responsible for your injuries. A skilled personal injury attorney will have the experience and professional contacts to prove liability, if possible. This may include everything from forensic examination of the scene to providing that a property owner knew about unsafe conditions before an accident.

Stephen B. Kaufman, P.C. has dedicated his career to protecting Bronx residents who have been hurt due to the carelessness of someone else. Call (718) 822-0500 to schedule a free initial consultation with a skilled personal injury attorney, or visit his website for more information today.
