
Like humans, a dog’s dietary needs change as they get older. To help pet owners better understand these shifts, Crescent Springs Animal Hospital in Crescent Springs, KY, offers nutritional counseling. This helps pet owners select the most appropriate food for their furry friend’s age, weight, and lifestyle.

Here are a few tips from this animal clinic to help you choose the right food to meet your dog’s nutritional needs:

  • animal clinicPuppies Need More Food: Since puppies are growing fast, they require about twice the amount of calories than normal adult dogs. They also need more proteins and fats, especially bigger breeds. However, just because your pup needs more food doesn’t mean you should overfill their bowl. Doing this could cause your puppy to reach an unhealthy weight. Instead, measure out the correct amount of food according to the label and your animal clinic and give it to them up to four times a day until they are six months old. Then you can lower the amount to two times a day.
  • Active Adult Dogs Need More Fat: Although active dogs require more calories than sedentary dogs, this does not mean you should simply give them more of the same food. Instead, you will need to provide your dog with food that offers more protein and fat. Typically, an active dog should receive twice the number of calories from fat than sedentary dogs do.
  • Older Dogs Need Fewer Calories: It is not uncommon for pet owners to continue feeding their older dogs the same amount of food they always did. However, as senior pooches tend to lead more sedentary lives, their metabolisms are slower. If their food servings are not reduced accordingly, they can become overweight. Also, many pet hospitals suggest buying foods that contain extra fiber to aid a senior dog’s digestion. 

If you would like to learn more about the nutritional needs of your dog, visit Crescent Springs Animal Hospital today. Schedule an appointment with this animal clinic by calling (859) 331-6608. You can also learn more about their pet services by visiting them online.
