
Not everyone is an electrician, and determining why and when to install a new circuit in your home can be an intimidating process. Fortunately, the electrical contractors of Riverview Electric have the ingrained expertise to serve businesses and homeowners throughout the Hudson Valley region of New York.

Since busted circuits can pose a serious fire hazard, these reputable electricians recommend familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals of circuitry so you can identify the need for a replacement before it’s too late.

3 Things You Need To Know About Circuits

What Circuits Do

Circuits supply concentrated electricity for specific reasons—for example, your washer and dryer are likely on a separate circuit from the rest of your appliances. Electricity is delivered to each circuit through a loop, running from the electrical device plugged into it and back to an electrical panel. Too many products running on one circuit breaker can cause it to overload, which is why having multiple circuits is essential.

Warning Signs Of A Faulty Circuit

electrical contractorsIt doesn’t require an electrical contractor to spot some of the obvious signs your circuits need replacing. When breakers frequently flip from on to off, this indicates an underlying problem that requires attention from a professional electrician. Other troubling situations include circuits that completely stop supplying power to all their devices and appliances that stutter off and on during operation.

Adding New Appliances

After buying a new refrigerator or similar major appliance, consult with an electrician about installing or updating your circuits. Many large machines use a lot of electricity, and when they share circuits with too many power-guzzling items, they can trigger your breakers to flip.

An electrical contractor can inspect your wiring and circuits to make sure everything is up to code and functioning efficiently. Throughout the Westchester, Dutchess, and Putnam counties, residents turn to the professionals of Riverview Electric for all their circuitry concerns. Call (845) 232-5939 to speak with a representative about your home’s circuits, or visit the website to learn more. 
