
Do-it-yourselfers know when undertaking home improvement projects, preparation leads to successful results. Following these tips to prepare your home for interior painting will get you closer to your goal of a beautiful finish. LaPlace and Eagan, Connecticut’s most experienced painting contractors, offer this guide to help you prepare your home for painting.

To protect your furniture from any stray paint splatters, remove as much as you can from the room; whatever cannot be removed should be covered with plastic. Also, take time to remove the covers and screws from your electric outlets. You’ll be able to paint around the outlets for a professional look when your painting is complete.  

paintingInstead of using newspaper or plastic covering, place butyl drop cloths to cover floors and exposed areas. These heavy-duty drop cloths are what professional painters use, and they stay in place much better than paper or plastic. Be ready to clean up big spills so paint doesn’t soak through the cloth.   

Cleaning is key to painting preparation. Vacuum and dust the surfaces, and then clean them with a mixture of water and trisodium phosphate to strip grease and stains. Spackle, sand, and caulk any holes and spaces, and let the fillers dry. Then, mask your windows and trim work using a masking machine, paper, painter’s plastic, and tape. Finally, apply primer to spot areas that you spackled, or cleaned with your TSP solution.

If the task is daunting, trade your paintbrushes for a lounge chair, and hire professional painting contractors. Contact LaPlace and Eagan, in Deep River, CT. Visit their website for more about their services, call (860) 526-5429 for an appointment, and like them on Facebook.


