
If you regularly drink coffee and tea or use tobacco products, you may have noticed stains on your teeth. The discoloration can negatively affect your confidence, but teeth whitening procedures will brighten and improve your smile. Dentaworks Hawaii, a family dentistry practice in Honolulu, specializes in cosmetic dentistry and understands the benefits and side effects of teeth whitening.

They explain common side effects of bleaching and teeth whitening procedures:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: This is the most common side effect experienced by patients after teeth whitening due to the exposure of the dentin layer. The sensitivity can last a few hours or a few days. If the sensitivity persists, visit a dentist to ensure there is not a serious issue.
  • Honolulu-HI-teeth-whiteningRoot Damage: The bleaching agents used for teeth whitening may affect the root of the tooth, so it is important to be mindful of this, particularly if you have had root damage in the past. It can lead to tooth loss, so if you suspect you have root damage, contact your dentist immediately.
  • Soft Tissue Irritation: During whitening procedures, the clinician will put a guard over your gums to protect them from the solution. If whitening solution gets on the gums, it can cause soft tissue irritation or a chemical burn that makes gum tissue to appear white. Prolonged exposure to the solution can produce gum swelling, irritation, and even pain and bleeding in extreme cases. Fortunately, the gums typically return to normal in a few days.

It is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for teeth whitening procedures. Patients with existing dentures, implants, or veneers will not see the desired results. It is important to schedule a visit with your dentist before deciding to have any cosmetic procedure. If you are in the Honolulu area and would like to schedule a consultation or whitening with the best dentist in Hawaii, call Dentaworks Hawaii at (808) 528-1200. You also can contact them on their website, which has more information about their services.
