
There’s nothing quite as special as receiving a bouquet of roses for your anniversary, or a beautiful flower arrangement to remind you that you’re loved. Based in Erlanger, Kentucky, the florists of Swan Floral & Gift Shop want your loved one to enjoy their flowers for as long as possible.

For more than 95 years, the florists at Swan Floral & Gift Shop have been helping customers care for their fresh-cut flowers. Here are three tips from their experts on allowing your bouquet to thrive:

  • Feed Your Flowers: When you receive a flower arrangement, put it in a vase filled with fresh water. Then, add the packet of flower food that was included in your flower delivery. Always make sure the water level in the vase is kept high to encourage long-lasting flowers. If you need to change the water, rinse the vase, fill it with lukewarm water, and add more fresh flower food. If you don’t have any, the florists at Swan Floral & Gift Shop suggest dropping in aspirin, which works just as well.
  • Trim The Stems: Every few days — or whenever you change the water — recut the stems on your flower arrangement. First, tie the stems of the bouquet with twine just above the vase. Then, remove the flowers and cut about one inch from the bottom of the stem. Always cut stems at a 45-degree angle using a clean, sharp knife, never household scissors. Be careful to avoid smashing the stems when you recut them. While you have the bouquet out of the vase, remove any wilted blooms or leaves that will now fall below the waterline in the vase.
  • Display In A Cool Place: The florists at Swan Floral & Gift Shop recommend placing your vase in a spot that stays between 65-72 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid displaying flowers in direct sunlight, near heating or cooling vents, or on top of appliances that give off heat. Also, don’t put the flowers near ripening fruit—they emit a gas that causes flowers to have a shortened vase life.

With a few simple steps, you can significantly lengthen the lifespan of your next flower arrangement. For more information on the best flower delivery service in Erlanger, Kentucky, visit the Swan Floral & Gift Shop website, or call (859) 342-7575 to place an order today.
