
When Halloween comes around, there’s a charge in the air; for kids, the promise of candy and loot is tantalizing. But after the holiday, those treats wreak havoc on the teeth, something that the dental care professionals at Cincinnati, OH’s Lowitz & Meier know all too well. This is why the team at this family dentistry practice emphasizes a closer attention to oral hygiene this time of year.

Banning treats during this holiday is clearly not an option, but luckily, there are some ways you can ensure healthy smiles long after the last piece of candy is eaten:

  • The 10 Best For The Little Bats: A good way to protect your kids’ teeth is to limit how much candy they get to keep. After trick-or-treating, have them go through their goody bags and pick out 10 pieces of candy that they can keep. Take the rest away and either donate or store them in the freezer.
  • dental care-dentist office-family dentistryLittle Ghost’s Goody Time: Another way to regulate excessive candy intake is to establish specific times of day when the kids are allowed to enjoy them. When you establish this rule, emphasize that sweets are not something that you eat all day. When kids know that they can look forward to this time, they’ll be less likely to sneak treats during the day.
  • Say Boo Then Brush: The time after Halloween is when you need to be extra vigilant about brushing and flossing. If you do establish a “candy time,” make sure your kids are taking care of oral hygiene soon after; it doesn’t take long for the sugars in candy to start damaging teeth. No matter what time of year it is, you should actively help children under eight with brushing.

If you follow these dental care tips, your trips to the dentist office after Halloween are bound to be less scary. And, if you’re in the greater Cincinnati area, know that Lowitz & Meier provide nothing but the best in dental care no matter what time of year it is. Learn more about this practice by visiting the website or calling (513) 521-8900. You can also keep up with the latest from these dental professionals by following them on Facebook.    
