
Your cat is a part of your family. Naturally, you want your furry friend to live long and well. The professionals from Liberty Veterinary Hospital in Liberty Township, OH, are here to explain a few expert tips for keeping your cat’s health at its best.

You may already know that regular veterinary visits and up-to-date vaccines are integral to the health of your cat. Here are a few more ways you can keep your feline in optimal shape: 

  • Groom Your Cat: Most owners have seen the unfortunate sight of a cat hacking up a hairball on at least one occasion. To help ease your cat’s digestive system and prevent hairballs, brush his coat every day to remove loose hair.
  • Practice Proper Nutrition: Meat is the fundamental staple of your cat’s diet. Unfortunately, many dry cat foods contain high quantities of carbohydrates, which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other issues. To ensure optimal cat health, avoid overfeeding and consider switching to a more nutrient-packed food boarding
  • Use A Scratching Post: Cats need to scratch and claw on surfaces in order to keep their claws at a healthy length. To ensure your cat keeps your sofa free from harm, purchase a scratching post. In the beginning, encourage your cat to use it by keeping it in a central area and sprinkling it with catnip.
  • Spay Or Neuter: Not only can spaying and neutering help cats everywhere, but it may improve the health and happiness of your pet. Female felines feel discomfort and pain when they go into heat, so spaying can help keep your cat feeling well.
  • Protect Them While Traveling: It may be tempting to let your cat roam free in the car. However, your cat crawling all over—especially in your lap—can pose a serious safety hazard. To prevent accidents, keep your pet in a carrier when you travel.

To keep your cat healthy and well for life, seek the expertise of Liberty Township’s best animal hospital and pet boarding facility. For more information about Liberty Veterinary Hospital, call at (513) 755-9700, or visit the website
