
Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the leading form of cancer among American women. This year alone, more than 40,000 women will die from breast cancer in the U.S. In the spirit of supporting women everywhere, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, aimed with the mission to spread awareness and combat this potentially life-threatening disease. Today, the experts from Women's Wellness Center of New York in NYC will explain why this women’s health issue deserves your attention.

While breast cancer takes the lives of so many women, many more recover from the disease and are able to live happily and healthily; today, about 2.8 million breast cancer survivors live in the U.S. In order to combat this disease, early diagnosis is vital. 

Women's Health IssueThat’s why each month, no matter how old you are, you should conduct a self-breast exam. Thoroughly examine your breasts in the mirror, once with your arms raised, and then again when they’re at rest. Look for any changes in your breasts, including dimples, bulges, puckering, rashes, or an inverted nipple. Check for fluid coming from the nipple. Then, feel your breasts for any lumps or irregularities. If you notice any changes, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist right away.

For women who are over 45 or who have a family history of the disease, a yearly mammogram is strongly recommended by the American Cancer Society. This helps ensure that the cancer is caught during the earliest stages, when the survival odds are highest. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit your doctor for your annual examination and encourage all the important women in your life to follow suit. By spreading awareness about women’s health issues, you can help save lives. 

For more information about women’s health issues, talk to the experts at Women's Wellness Center of New York. From breast examinations to menopause support and gynecologic surgery, the premier NYC practice offers every vital service you need. To learn more, call (646) 754-3300 or visit the website
