
If you’re experiencing issues with your teeth, you may need restorative services, such as veneers or dentures. These are different procedures that can restore the look and function of your teeth. Susan Kleier DMD in Lexington, KY, recommends familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each, so you can choose the right treatment to repair damaged teeth and return your mouth to its original condition.


denturesWhen your teeth become chipped, cracked, or decayed, dentures can be an affordable and efficient solution to the problem. If an isolated area of your mouth is damaged, a dentist can prepare partial dentures to fill in gaps and prevent further decay. If the problem is more widespread, it will be necessary to remove all of your teeth, allow the gums to heal, and then prep your mouth for a new set of removable teeth.


While dentures require your damaged teeth to be removed, veneers are applied over your natural teeth. They simply cover up individual teeth that are impaired. The benefits of veneers include keeping your teeth intact, while enjoying an attractive and reliable covering that won’t impair your ability to eat and speak. If a dentist determines veneers are the best solution, they will have these porcelain coverings custom made to fit your mouth and match your existing teeth.

Just because your teeth are damaged doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it. To find out whether veneers or dentures are right for you, schedule an appointment with Susan Kleier DMD today. Call (859) 225-1188 or visit the website to see a full list of their dental services.
