
All employers are required by law to carry workers' compensation insurance. Workers' comp protects both employers and employees should a worker be involved in an on-the-job accident and sustain a work injury. The process of applying for workers' compensation, however, is foreign to most people. Fortunately, the Law Office of Thomas L. Brayton III is here to provide some answers. For 27 years, Attorney Brayton has been an injury lawyer serving clients throughout the Waterbury, Connecticut, area. Below, he discusses the steps involved in filing for workers' compensation.

How To File For Workers' Compensation

1. Report Your Work Injury

The first step is to report your accident and injury to your employer as soon as possible. Your employer will need to fill out an accident report and have the details of your situation on record. Make this a priority since any subsequent steps cannot move forward without this crucial first phase.

2. Fill Out Form 30-C

In the state of Connecticut, workers' compensationyou need to complete and file form 30-C. This is a Notice of Claim for Compensation. After you've filled this out in its entirety, send it to the Workers' Compensation Commission for your district; you can find your district on the WCC website. If you encounter issues filling out the 30-C or you have problems with your employer, contact the Law Office of Thomas L. Brayton III to explore any legal avenues that may be available.

3. Find Out Your Employer's Insurance Information

Your employer's insurance may require that you see their doctors for your work injury. This could be necessary for your claim to be covered and for you to receive the needed compensation. Ask your employer if they have a preference as to which doctors you see, and visit those providers in a timely manner.

Call the Law Office of Thomas L. Brayton III at (203) 591-8689 to schedule a free consultation with an injury lawyer. You can also visit the firm on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about workers' compensation and your rights. By following the above steps, you can start the workers' comp process and get the care you need.
