
Whether you work a desk job, take college classes online, or simply do a lot of internet research, there’s no way around it — you’re spending long hours in front of a computer. While computers are efficient and convenient for work, school, and other daily life activities, the amount of time you spend staring at a screen is tough on the eyes. According to the eye doctors at Wing Eyecare, which has offices in Cincinnati, OH, and Northern Kentucky, it’s a condition called “computer eye strain.” It has a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, redness, twitching, and blurred vision.

Computer eye strain can lead to vision problems and even decreased productivity at work. Here are three ways to alleviate this condition:

  • Visit The Eye Doctor: No matter how good your vision is, it’s important to have a comprehensive eye exam once a year. If you’re constantly using a computer, let your eye doctor know. That way, they can check for eye strain now and during future appointments. A good way to monitor the condition is to measure how far away you sit from your computer. Show your eye doctor the measurement so they can test your eyes at that distance each year. 
  • eye doctorReduce Glare: Reflections on your computer screen, walls in the office, or other finished surfaces can contribute to computer eye strain. Placing an anti-glare screen on your monitor can help, and if you’re handy, consider painting the walls a darker color. Cover the windows to reduce the amount of outside light coming into the room. For people who wear eyeglasses, buying lenses with an anti-reflective coating can help reduce excess glare.
  • Change Computer Display Settings: Reducing eye strain can be as simple as changing the display settings on your computer. Adjust the display brightness so it matches the walls or colors in your office or cubicle. Consider changing the text size on your emails and documents so they’re easier to read.

If you’re suffering from red, twitchy, tired eyes, it’s time to make an appointment with the eye doctors at Wing Eyecare for a comprehensive exam. With several locations around throughout Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, it’s easy to find an office near you. Call (888) 274-9464 to schedule an eye exam, or visit their website to find a location near you.
