
Although they're extremely effective, septic systems are also generally very simple, which makes it easy to take them for granted. Unfortunately, over time, minor problems, like solid matter making it into the leach field, can become significant issues requiring expensive, time-consuming repairs. According to Gecko Enterprises, one of Oahu's most experienced septic system experts, simply installing an effluent filter can prevent problems in the future and drastically extend the life of your system.

A septic system works by collecting wastewater in the septic tank where solid matter settles to the bottom to form a sludge layer while liquid waste exits through a pipe into the leach field. By controlling the amount of waste entering the field, your septic system allows bacteria in the soil to clean the wastewater as it re-enters the environment.

septic systemSome solid waste entering the leach field is probably okay, but too much will clog it, causing a failure of the entire system and major sanitary and health issues for people and animals. A simple effluent filter, usually a cylinder of slotted plastic placed at the outflow point, allows the liquid to pass unimpeded into the leach field while keeping solids out. These filters are inexpensive, especially when compared to the cost of repairing a failed septic system, and it can easily be installed into an existing tank by an experienced technician. Cleaning the filter every time the tank is pumped increases its life expectancy.

For over 25 years, Gecko Enterprises has been the septic system cleaner of choice for residents throughout the island. Whether you need a deep cleaning or regular maintenance, you can rely on the friendly crew for fast service and some of the best prices in the business. Follow them on Google+ for updates, and call (808) 637-3240 to request a quote today.
