
If you’re concerned that your loved one is experiencing the early symptoms of dementia, it’s best to start treatment now to make sure that he or she receives the proper care.

Dementia itself is not one particular disease; it involves an array of symptoms that accompany memory loss. While Alzheimer’s accounts for many of these cases, it doesn’t account for all of them. Dementia symptoms will affect your loved one’s ability to perform tasks in day-to-day life, from preparing meals to simple chores like housecleaning or laundry.

For loved ones who experience memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, Saint Louis, MO’s Memory Care Home Solutions provides quality caregiver training to help you keep your loved ones as safe and healthy as possible in their own homes. They’ll ensure that you, as a caregiver, aren’t alone in your time of need and that your loved one is well taken care of. 

If you’re concerned, Memory Care Home Solutions provides the signs that your loved one may be experiencing the early stages of dementia:

  • Short-Term Memory Loss: Loved ones with dementia often have problems with simple, everyday tasks. They might lose track of their wallet, forget to turn the stove on or off, accidentally skip mealtimes, or neglect to pay regular bills like rent or utilities. If you notice these issues happening on a regular basis, it’s time to seek out a caregiver who will make sure your loved one is safe and healthy. Being their caregiver will eliminate the need for a nursing home by allowing your loved one to feel comfortable and thrive within the comfort of their own home.

  • dementiaProgression: Since dementia tends to be progressive, you’re likely to notice symptoms that start out mildly and increase over time. It’s best not to ignore them. Visit a doctor for a full evaluation, an early diagnosis, and the proper care. The earlier you step in, you more you’ll help your loved one stay strong.

  • Multiple Signs: Dementia has multiple signs and symptoms that cause concern in family members. If you notice a decline in any of the following: communication, focus, reasoning, and visual perception (in addition to memory loss), reach out to medical professionals as soon as possible.

If your loved one is experiencing the early signs of dementia, reach out to Saint Louis’s Memory Care Home Solutions. The compassionate team is ready to provide the high-quality caregiver training necessary to help you keep them going strong. To learn more, visit them online or call (314) 645-6247 to speak with a knowledgeable staff member today.
