
A dog trainer can work wonders with addressing longstanding behavioral problems your canine has been facing. To get the job done right, a trainer has to first earn the trust of your pet.

Based in Milford, CT, K-9 Communication provides canine obedience training for all breeds. Below, the company's master dog trainer provides answers on what it takes for a trainer to establish a bond with your canine and earn their trust.

FAQs: How A Dog Trainer Earns Your Canine’s Trust

What’s The Most Important Thing A Trainer Can Do To Build Trust With A Dog?

Dogs aren’t that different from people in many respects. People trust people who treat them with kindness and respect, and dogs trust trainers who treat them according to these same principles. This means positive reinforcement is critical. During dog training, positive reinforcement is an excellent way to get the message across while building trust with the pet. 

What’s One Thing A Dog Trainer Should Never Do When Building Trust With A Canine? 

dog trainerA dog trainer should never use force when working with a pet. Hitting or striking the dog should never be part of the training process. If force is used, it can leave the dog with a sense of distrust and resentment, and it ultimately creates an undesirable psychological outcome in your pet.

What Tools Can A Trainer Use To Build Trust With A Dog?

Simple praise from a trainer can be quite effective. In some cases, food treats can also work wonders during training.

Are There Any Tools Trainers Should Avoid Using When Building Trust With A Dog?

There are certain tools trainers should avoid in all circumstances. Trainers should never use pinch collars or electrical devices that cause discomfort to the pet.

Run by a dog trainer with almost 50 years of experience, K-9 Communications will work to reshape your pet's behavior in a way that is gentle and stress-free. Call (203) 874-7299 for a free consultation in Milford, or learn more by visiting them online. They can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
