
The best time to think about roof repair is before you notice serious problems. No one wants to talk to a contractor while water is pouring in through a leak, so it’s best to keep a steady eye out for issues. Action Roofing Services is the premier roofing contractor in Anchorage, Alaska, having served the area for over 30 years. Below, they suggest a few things to look for that might indicate you need to think about roof repair.

5 Signs You May Need A New Roof


One of the surest signs you need a new roof installation is that your current roof is of a certain age. If your current roof is over 15 years old, you should keep an eye out for problems—if it’s over 20 you should inspect it thoroughly and frequently to see if you need roof repair.

Interior Signs

Take a look around your attic for signs of roof problems. Aside from obvious issues like leaks, light coming through the roof deck, or major water damage like rot or mold, keep an eye out for more subtle signs. If you see dark spots or trails in the roof deck where water is beginning to cause damage, or if the roof deck sags in certain spots, it’s time to look into roof repair or replacement.

Visible Shingle Wear

RoofInspect your roof from the outside and look for problems with your shingles. Any gaps, curling, or buckling in your shingles, especially along the valleys of your roof, are clear signs of trouble.

Gutter Issues

Your gutters can also offer some warning signs of roof failure. If you notice excessive shingle granules in your gutters or downspouts, it can be a sign that your roof is aging, as shingles tend to shed more granules toward the end of their lifespan. In addition, if your gutters are coming loose from your eaves or don’t seem to be draining well, this can be a sign of roof problems.


If you live in a housing development and notice your neighbors have been getting roof repairs or new roof installations, your roof likely needs attention as well—it was likely built around the same time, and you don’t want your home sticking out in a bad way.

If you notice any of the above signs, it’s time to call a respected local roofing contractor to see whether you need repairs or an entirely new roof. In the Anchorage area, contact Action Roofing Services for the best service and most durable work. Visit their website to find out more, or call (907) 677-6969 to get an estimate for your roof installation!
