
Whether you’re training for a big event or trying to maintain fitness, a sports injury is something no athlete wants to experience. While common, sports-related injuries often can be prevented by following a few careful tips. To help you stay injury-free, the team from The Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati has a few helpful tips.

Here’s some advice from Cincinnati’s leading sports physicians to help you avoid sports injuries:

  • Warm Up: Cold muscles are more prone to injury than those that have been properly warmed up. Instead of jumping right into an intense workout, increase the intensity level gradually. For example, if you’re a runner, begin with a brisk walk or slow jog before doing interval sprints.
  • Cincinnati-OH-sports-injuryStretch Properly: Stretching is a great way to soothe muscles that have been worked hard, so it’s a good idea to do static stretching after a workout. Before a workout, limit stretching to dynamic (moving) stretches. Again, cold muscles are more likely to be injured, so dynamic stretches like high kicks, lunges, and arm swings are best for preventing a sports injury.
  • Ease Into Training: Even experienced athletes have to follow a training schedule that gradually increases their workload. A good rule of thumb is to increase your distance or time spent working out by only 10% each week to prevent overuse injuries.
  • Recover Properly: From refueling with the right amount of carbohydrates and protein to getting adequate rest and taking Epsom salt baths, there are many things you can do to rebuild and repair sore muscles. Over time, these methods will make your muscles stronger and less prone to injury.
  • Visit A Sports Chiropractor: Your back is one of the largest parts of your body, so it’s likely to be affected no matter your sport. To ease pain and help prevent injury, make an appointment with a sports chiropractor; they will create a tailored plan to see you through intense periods of training.

If you’re interested in sports injury prevention or treatment, call The Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati at (513) 677-2200. They will help you reach your wellness goals, regardless of your age or fitness level. Visit their website for more information about their sports care and rehabilitation programs, as well as other specialized services.
