
Many working parents hesitate to enroll their children in child care, worried that leaving their kids in the care of someone else all day makes them a bad parent. However, this couldn't be further from the truth, a fact that Tiny World Child Care in Brookline, MA, knows well. After years of creating rich, fun, stimulating environments for children of all ages, they've seen the benefits of child care firsthand.

Bringing your kids to child care during the day offers a variety of advantages, including:

  • Social Skills Development: Learning to get along with others is an important part of development, one which requires hands-on experience being around other kids. In a child care center, your kid will learn to get along with other children, building skills they'll need throughout their academic careers and beyond.
  • Predictable Structure: Young children thrive on structure, which may even have a positive impact on brain development. Child care centers are typically run on the kind of predictable structures that young children find comforting.
  • child careBuilt-In Entertainment: With monthly curriculums appropriate for each age level, children have fun learning experiences. Whether it is by singing a topic related song, art projects, books, science experiment etc,  children learn through playing and experiencing. 

Tiny World Child Care prides itself on providing nurturing care to every child, along with a fun, engaging experience that will help get your child ready to start Kindergarten when time comes. To learn more about what sets this child care center apart, ask questions, and schedule a tour, visit them online, or call (617) 232-0115 today.
