
Everyone knows sugary colas, beer, and coffee are big no-nos for dental health because of their enamel-eroding and staining capabilities. When caffeine and sodas are to be kept to a minimum, what should you be drinking to keep your teeth healthy?

Your dentist can give you plenty of recommendations. At Four Corners Dental Group in Wasilla and Anchorage, AK, the team believes the following three drinks are best for your teeth:

  • Water: No surprises here — when in doubt, just opt for water. In addition to its innumerable other health benefits relating to digestive and skin health, water promotes oral health by rinsing your gums and your teeth of food that lingers after a meal. It also keeps your mouth from getting dry, maintaining enough saliva production to fight against tooth decay. Dentists highly recommend drinking fluoridated water, as it effectively prevents cavities. Fluoride is commonly found in regular tap water.
  • Milk: Your teeth need calcium and vitamin D, so milk is a great option to keep them strong and healthy. Opt for skim or low-fat milk for a low-calorie way to take care of your teeth. If you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, dentists say that calcium-fortified soy or almond milk can also be good choices.
  • dentistReal Fruit Juice: Many juices available at grocery stores are more sugar than actual nutrition. Read the ingredient lists thoroughly; sugar should come from the natural sweetness of the fruit and not from added corn syrup or cane juice. Choose a non-acidic variety to minimize the risk of enamel erosion.

For more tips on smart sipping and maintaining healthy teeth, consult with Four Corners Dental Group. Call (907) 258-3384 to schedule an appointment at their Anchorage location and (907) 376-2790 for their Wasilla location. To learn more about the dental practice, visit their website.
