
There are many steps involved in finalizing a real estate sale, and one of the most important is having a comprehensive home inspection. Given the scale of the investment, a home inspection needs to be conducted carefully by a trusted professional, like the experts at Z&H Enterprises in Lincoln, Nebraska. This ensures the transaction is a fair deal for every party.

What does a standard home inspection entail? Here’s a brief overview:

  • Exterior: Typically, a home inspector will work from the outside in, going system by system, and this begins by assessing the state of the home’s drainage, wall coverings, elevation, driveways, trim, doors, and lights.
  • Home InspectionStructure: Next, the inspector will assess the building for any potential structural issues, including looking at the state of the walls, ceilings, foundation, and roof. Because structural problems are expensive to repair, this is a major component of the inspection.
  • Electrical & Plumbing Systems: The home’s electrical and plumbing systems are also evaluated. For the former, they assess the main panel, circuit breakers, wiring, grounding, and light fixtures. The inspector will also look at faucets, drainage issues, showers, sinks, and toilets.
  • Appliances: A good home inspection includes assessing the refrigerator, oven, microwave, and smoke alarm. If these appliances aren’t in good working order, they’ll probably be replaced before the transaction is complete, or the seller might offer a discount.
  • System: The inspection will also cover other elements of the house, like duct work, the chimney, water heater, furnace, and air conditioning systems. Because these are also expensive to repair, these components need to be carefully reviewed.

The transaction will only go through once all the problems have been addressed or the buyer agrees to take responsibility for any defects. Z&H Enterprises’s experts will cover all the bases, including performing radon testing and termite inspections, so you’ll make an informed decision about your investment. 

To schedule a home inspection in Lincoln, Nebraska, call Z&H Enterprises at (402) 742-5806. To learn more about radon gas and other reasons to have your residence inspected, visit them online.  
