
While using concrete may seem relatively straightforward in comparison to other construction tasks, it isn’t without its own set of possible dangers. As the material supply experts at The L. Suzio York Hill Companies in Meriden, CT, explain, construction workers still need to exercise caution when working with the material.

The following are some key tips to help workers stay safe while using concrete:

  • Cover Eyes & Skin: One of the biggest hazards many workers face is the risk of getting wet concrete or cement dust on their skin or in their eyes. This can cause burns and irritation on the skin, as well as immediate redness or chemical burns in the eyes. Workers should protect themselves by wearing long sleeves, gloves, and protective eye gear, while also taking care to wash off concrete immediately if it makes contact with their skin.concrete
  • Respiratory Protection: Another hazard of working with concrete is inhaling dust. This is especially common when workers are grinding or sanding concrete. When cement dust is inhaled, a worker’s throat and nose can become irritated. What’s even more concerning is that long-term exposure to this dust can lead to silicosis, a severe lung disease. Workers should be careful to wet down cement to reduce dust and wear a protective respiratory device in dustier conditions.
  • Use Equipment Properly: The final risk to workers comes from the equipment that is often used when working with concrete. Construction workers should always pay attention to equipment safety procedures to prevent any accidents from happening. This includes blocking the wheels on ready-mix trucks to prevent unexpected movement and checking construction equipment for any defects and making replacements when necessary. 

From concrete to crushed stone, The L. Suzio York Hill Companies can fulfill a wide range of material needs for your next project. To learn more about their products and services, or to request a quote, visit them online or call (203) 237-8421. You can also connect with their team on Facebook and Twitter.
