
Treatments for gum disease range from minimally-invasive procedures to complex surgery, depending on the stage of the disease. Preventing it altogether or catching it in its early stages is in the patients’ best interest, which is why dentists are so passionate about encouraging strong oral care habits and maintaining regular teeth cleanings. If you should develop gum disease, your dentist will discuss the available treatment options that best suit your needs. Kathleen Kujiraoka DDS of Kaneohe, HI, is here with her to discuss some of the popular treatment methods.

Here are a few of the most common gum disease treatments:

  • Scaling: For patients who have mild or early-stage gum disease, scaling and root planing is a nonsurgical procedure that can effectively remove any tartar or plaque buildup from both above and below the gum line. A local anesthetic may be administered to prevent pain, and the dental professional will remove any bacteria along the root to encourage the gums to reattach to the teeth.
  • dentist Flap Surgery: In this surgical procedure, the gums are lifted back to remove tartar. The gums are then placed back in a position that hugs the tooth, which helps reduce the odds that bacteria will grow in any open spaces.
  • Bone/Soft Tissue Grafts: If gums or any areas of bone have been destroyed by gum disease, grafted tissue or bone will need to be replaced in the affected area. This will encourage new tissue or bone to regenerate in the area.

Because gum disease treatments can be complex, costly, and require time to heal, maintaining oral wellness through general dentistry procedures like regular cleanings and at-home care is your best line of defense. If you would like to schedule your next cleaning with one of Oahu’s leading dentists, call the office of Kathleen Kujiraoka DDS at (808) 235-2121. You can also visit the practice’s website for additional information.  
